Event - Global Day of Worship

One LORD - 24 Time Zones - Countless Worshipers!
John 12:32 "But I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to myself."

The Global Day of Worship (GDW) is a call for a unified, global worship movement to see the name of Jesus Christ lifted up throughout the earth. It will be a day that will unify many denominations within the body of Christ while embracing and celebrating the differences in our expressions of love for Jesus Christ. Through a unified, celebration and adoration of the name of Jesus, the world will see that we are His disciples.

Join us on December 12, 2012 - from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. in each time zone - for a wave of worship and adoration that will span the globe and unite all believers as one body. Utilizing 24 time zones, we will agree with and join the 24 elders, spoken of in Revelation 4, who are already worshiping Jesus around the throne. It is when the worship of heaven meets the worship of earth that spiritual climates of nations will shift as we serve faithfully here and now in preparation for His return.

The Global Day of Worship (GDW) will be held on December 12, 2012!
The Global Day of Worship is a call for a unified, global worship movement to see the name of Jesus Christ lifted up throughout the earth. It will be a day that will unify many denominations within the body of Christ while embracing and celebrating the differences in our expressions of love for Jesus Christ. Through a unified, celebration and adoration of the name of Jesus, the world will see that we are His disciples.

Like the coming of a new year, for one hour (7-8 p.m. where you are), a wave of worship and adoration across the nations will unite us as one body. Utilizing 24 time zones, we will agree with and join the 24 elders, spoken of in Revelation 4, who are already worshiping Jesus around the throne. It is when the worship of heaven meets the worship of earth that spiritual climates of nations will shift as we serve faithfully here and now in preparation for His return.

Rev 4:10-11 
"The twenty-four elders fall down before him who sits on the throne,
and worship him who lives for ever and ever. They lay their crowns 
before the throne and say: "You are worthy, our Lord and God,
to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things,
and by your will they were created and have their being."

The Focus - Worship
This day is focused on simply gazing upon God's beauty, expressing our gratitude and love for Him and declaring His attributes and goodness in our lives, families, communities and nations. We will not be asking or petitioning the Lord during this time.

The purity of the mission is twofold: 
1) Love and worship our Lord Jesus Christ, and 
2) Loving others - to grow in love, honor and appreciation for the Body of Christ.

The Day 12-12-12
On December 12th, we have been given an invitation to worship Jesus the Messiah with Global Day of Worship's epicenter being in Jerusalem, Israel this year. He is looking for worshipers that are willing to build a throne of praise and worship. As in the battle with Jehosophat, the victory strategy for this season is to lift up our heads towards heaven, declare his Lordship and see the victory of our Lord.

John 12:32 "But I, when I am lifted up from the earth will draw all men to myself."

We will worship individually or in large gatherings; through solemn expressions of love or loud and joyful celebrations. We will sing hymns and choruses as well as engage in free flowing radical worship.

This web site will serve as our connection. In each time zone, this web site will stream live venues ranging from small house gatherings of families to larger events. For one hour, (7-8 pm) in the 24 time zones starting at the International Dateline, we will begin a day of celebration and exalting Jesus around the globe.

What People Are Saying...
Dr. Jack Hayford, acknowledged “bridge-builder” within the Body of Christ as well as noted pastor, author and songwriter of  the internationally known chorus, “Majesty” – “I think there is a need for a truly fresh awakening of the power of our worship and what is released.  God works in an atmosphere of worship. When we come, our father who is in heaven, holy be thy name, thy kingdom come flows out of that--His will comes.”

Eunice Barruel, founder of New Strength International Ministries and Global Day of Worship  – “Worship is really what we are all created for. There is really nothing else. My heart for this day (GDW) is just to see Jesus lifted up and for the bride to come together and for us to realize we are no longer just a son or a daughter but we are His bride.

‘One of the things the Lord told me when I had this vision and I started sharing with people, I said, ‘God this is too big, I can’t do this, this is ridiculous, who am I?’

“He said ‘Eunice, the journey into my heart is so much larger than the journey around the world, the depth and the width and the heights of my love for you, that’s the journey, that’s the travel that I want you to take. Don’t worry about the rest of the world, don’t worry about who around the world will participate, because you’re just throwing me a party—and it doesn’t really matter if is fillet mignon or potato chips that you’re serving; if they love me they’ll come.” 

What the Global Day of Worship Is
On this day, we will not to focus on asking, or petitioning the Lord. We will simply gaze upon His beauty, thank Him for His love, and declare His attributes and goodness in our lives, families, communities and nations.

We can worship Jesus through reflective expressions of love or loud, joyful celebration. We can sing hymns and choruses or engage in free- flowing passionate worship. We were all created to love Jesus, and this event will allow us to uniquely express our love to Him in unity around the globe.

On our website, we will stream live venues in each time zone ranging from small house gatherings of families to larger events.

Join us in this global celebration and adoration of Jesus!

Global Day of Worship Indonesia

Diperkirakan lebih dari 150 orang Kristen se-Cikarang dan sekitarnya akan menghadiri acara tahunan kedua dari Global Day of Worship yang diselenggarakan di Menara Cahaya Cahaya Bagi Negeri Indonesia, Lippo Cikarang, Rabu malam (12/12/12).

Seluruh gembala sidang gereja dan ratusan orang percaya di daerah Kabupaten Bekasi ini dipastikan akan bersatu untuk memuji dan menyembah Tuhan di hari itu.

Sejumlah tokoh doa nasional Indonesia seperti Daniel Pandji dan Bambang Charles Yonan dikabarkan akan turut menghadiri GDW 2012.

Seperti halnya GDW 2011, GDW untuk zona Indonesia kali ini juga akan disiarkan secara live streaming di situs resmi GDW, www.globaldayofworship.com. Bagi Anda yang ingin menyaksikan kegiatan GDW untuk zona Indonesia pada 12 Desember 2012 mendatang silahkan mengakses situs resmi GDW di pukul 22.00-23:00 WIB.

Selain di Indonesia, ada 23 titik wilayah lain di dunia yang akan ambil bagian dalam GDW 2012. Semua tubuh Kristus ini akan mengerjakan kegiatan yang sama di hari tersebut yaitu meninggikan dan memuliakan Raja di atas segala raja.

Mari umat Tuhan di seluruh Indonesia kita bersatu berdoa untuk acara ini. Biarlah momentum kesatuan tubuh Kristus ini akan terus terjadi tidak hanya pada 12 Desember 2012, tetapi juga berlanjut hingga di masa-masa mendatang. Ketika gereja-Nya bersatu, nama-Nya pasti ikut dimuliakan oleh dunia.

Sumber : panitia globaldayofworship Indonesia / budhianto marpaung
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